Call for Papers: Conference Proceedings

Dear All,

We hope you enjoyed the 16th Annual Graduate Student Conference on Brevity at Western earlier this month. We would like to invite those interested to continue the lively discussions in our online publishing repository.

Submissions should be extended versions of papers presented and accepted papers will be featured on our page ( at Scholarship@Western. This academic repository, supported by Western Libraries, will also be indexed on Google Scholar. We consider papers as pre-publications, meaning that you will keep authorship rights, and are free to submit versions of your own work to other journals.

Please send your papers to by April 30, 2014. Papers will be reviewed by the conference committee and replies can be expected within the first couple of weeks in May.

Submissions in both Spanish and English will be accepted. All manuscripts must conform to standardized guidelines for formatting i. e. MLA (literature) and APA (linguistics). The author may use another formatting style provided that it is used consistently and that the author considers it necessary for the particular aims of their investigation. If written in Spanish please provide both an English and Spanish abstract. Proceedings should be 2000 to 5000 words in length, and a small abstract of 200 words must be included in the submission.

We look forward to reading your submissions!

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